Case Study 
Oddbods Delivers National Preschool Campaign

One AnimationCompany:
One Animation


To raise the awareness of Oddbods to UK pre-schoolers.

Approach and Results

Through a network of teachers and preschools we curated a campaign delivering content to over 140,000 venues with a reach of over 2.01million children.

The campaign included the delivery of Oddbods related blogs, news stories and bespoke activities teaching children about different emotional responses and inspiring imaginative play.

The campaign which targeted Early Years Foundation stage children was also supported by an accreditation by Fundamentally Children, founded by Dr. Amanda Gummer.

The brand was also delivered to over 70 family restaurants of Hungry House and Wacky Warehouse with activity sheets and competitions.

Say Hello!

Say Hello to a new way of growing your brand, building awareness and protecting your reputation. We’re ready to tell your story and look forward to hearing from you.

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