Case Study 
Aura Gesturebotics

KD GroupKD Interactive Aura GestureBotics Gesture-Controlled Flying Drone


With the launch of Aura Gesturebotics taking place at London Toy Fair, we reached out to the top tech and national press that we thought would love this new drone.

We invited the press to come along to the stand to see a real life demo from the drone’s inventor himself, and the demos did not disappoint!


  • Secured over 15 consumer media interviews for Aura at the show including BBC Click, BBC News, Pocket-Lint, Gadget Speak, Daily Mirror, The Test Pit
  • Coverage across national news outlets BBC News and Daily Mirror
  • Aura review secured and broadcasted on BBC Click – Aura was also one of only 2 products from London Toy Fair that features on BBC Click.
  • Total Reach: Over 30 million across TV, print and digital channels

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